Msr90 reader writer software download
Msr90 reader writer software download

msr90 reader writer software download

MAKStripe differs from other readers / writers by not possessing any decoder and encoder chip. MAKStripe is avialable in two versions: MAKStripe RO - LoCo / HiCo magnetic stripe card reader MAKStripe R2TAO - LoCo / HiCo magnetic stripe card reader and LoCo magnetic stripe card writer MAKStripe is connected directly to the parallel port of a PC. Magnetic stripe cards can have a bit density between 1 and 210 BPI (75 BPI, 210 BPI and also other non ISO densities). MAKstripe - Magnetic Stripe Card Reader Writer, Blank Magnetic Strip Cards MAKStripe MAKStripe does posses a magnetic head with three tracks, so all three tracks of a LoCo or HiCo magnetic stripe card can be read at the same time.

Msr90 reader writer software download